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ABOS.Derby - package ABOS.Derby
AccessException - Exception in Exceptions
AccessException(String) - Constructor for exception Exceptions.AccessException
activateProgressBar(Task<?>) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.ProgressForm
activateProgressBar(Task<?>) - Method in class Utilities.ProgressForm
AddCustomerController - Class in ABOS.Derby
A dialog that allows the user to add a new customer or edit an existing customer.
AddCustomerController() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.AddCustomerController
AddCustomerController - Class in Controllers
A dialog that allows the user to add a new customer or edit an existing customer.
AddCustomerController() - Constructor for class Controllers.AddCustomerController
addCustomerToTreeView(Customer, TreeItem<TreeItemPair<String, Pair<String, Object>>>) - Method in class Controllers.MainController
AddCustomerWorker - Class in Workers
AddCustomerWorker(Integer, String, String, String, String, TableView, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class Workers.AddCustomerWorker
Creates an instance of the worker old/new is relavant for editing.
addFlyWay - Class in <Unnamed>
addFlyWay() - Constructor for class addFlyWay
AddGroup - Class in Launchers
AddGroup() - Constructor for class Launchers.AddGroup
addGroup(String, AddGroup.callBack) - Static method in class Launchers.AddGroup
addGroup(String, String, AddGroup.callBack) - Static method in class Launchers.AddGroup
AddGroup.callBack - Interface in Launchers
addressException - Exception in Exceptions
addressException() - Constructor for exception Exceptions.addressException
addressExists(String, String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
addressExists(String, String) - Method in class Utilities.Year
addTab(Pane, String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MainController
addTab(Pane, String) - Method in class Controllers.MainController
addToYear(String) - Method in class Utilities.User
AddUser - Class in Launchers
Created by patrick on 5/28/17.
AddUser(Window) - Constructor for class Launchers.AddUser
AddUser(Window, String) - Constructor for class Launchers.AddUser
AddUserController - Class in Controllers
AddUserController() - Constructor for class Controllers.AddUserController
AddYear - Class in ABOS.Derby
Created by patrick on 5/28/17.
AddYear(Window) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.AddYear
AddYear(String, Window) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.AddYear
addYear() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
AddYear - Class in Launchers
Created by patrick on 5/28/17.
AddYear(Window) - Constructor for class Launchers.AddYear
AddYear(String, Window) - Constructor for class Launchers.AddYear
addYear() - Method in class Utilities.Year
AddYearController - Class in ABOS.Derby
AddYearController() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.AddYearController
AddYearController - Class in Controllers
AddYearController() - Constructor for class Controllers.AddYearController


baselineDatabse(String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt


call() - Method in class Workers.AddCustomerWorker
call() - Method in class Workers.LoadMainWorker
call() - Method in class Workers.LoadUGYWorker
call() - Method in class Workers.orderHistoryReportWorker
call() - Method in class Workers.ReportsWorker
cancel(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.ReportsController
cancel(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.SettingsController
cancel(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
cancel(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.ReportsController
cancel(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.SettingsController
catDate - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Year.category
catDate - Variable in class Utilities.Year.category
category(String, String) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Year.category
category(String, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Year.category
catName - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Year.category
catName - Variable in class Utilities.Year.category
checkUpdates() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Main
checkUpdates() - Method in class Launchers.Main
clear() - Method in class Utilities.Settable
closeEvent - Variable in class Controllers.MainController
closeTab(Tab) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MainController
closeTab(Tab) - Method in class Controllers.MainController
CommonErrors - Class in Utilities
Created by patrick on 1/29/17.
CommonErrors() - Constructor for class Utilities.CommonErrors
Config - Class in Utilities
Config() - Constructor for class Utilities.Config
configureMap() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MapController
configureMap() - Method in class Controllers.MapController
contextTreeItem(String, Pair<String, String>) - Constructor for class Controllers.MainController.contextTreeItem
contextTreeItem(String, String) - Constructor for class Controllers.MainController.contextTreeItem
contextTreeItem(String) - Constructor for class Controllers.MainController.contextTreeItem
contextTreeItem(String, Pair<String, String>) - Constructor for class Controllers.UsersGroupsAndYearsController.contextTreeItem
contextTreeItem(String, String) - Constructor for class Controllers.UsersGroupsAndYearsController.contextTreeItem
contextTreeItem(String) - Constructor for class Controllers.UsersGroupsAndYearsController.contextTreeItem
Controllers - package Controllers
Convert() - Method in class Launchers.ConvertDerbyToSQL
ConvertDerbyToSQL - Class in Launchers
ConvertDerbyToSQL() - Constructor for class Launchers.ConvertDerbyToSQL
Coords - Class in Utilities
Coords(double, double) - Constructor for class Utilities.Coords
Coords() - Constructor for class Utilities.Coords
cPoint - Class in Utilities
cPoint(Double, Double, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.cPoint
createConfigFile() - Static method in class Utilities.Config
Creates a default configuration file
createDb(String) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
Creates a database with specified name
CreateDb(ObservableList<Product.formattedProductProps>, Collection<Year.category>) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Creates Database for the year specified.
createDb(String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
Creates a database with specified name
CreateDb(ObservableList<formattedProductProps>, Collection<Year.category>) - Method in class Utilities.Year
Creates Database for the year specified.
createDbChecked(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.SettingsController
createNewOrder(Product.formattedProductProps[]) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Order
createNewOrder(formattedProductProps[]) - Static method in class Utilities.Order
createOrderArray(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Order
createOrderArray(String, String, Boolean, String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Order
createOrderArray(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Order
createOrderArray(String) - Static method in class Utilities.Order
createOrderArray(String, String) - Static method in class Utilities.Order
createOrderArray(String, int, Boolean) - Static method in class Utilities.Order
createOrderArray(String, int, Boolean, String) - Static method in class Utilities.Order
createSetAndTables() - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
createSetAndTables() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
createUser(String, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class Utilities.User
custAddress - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.MapController
custName - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.MapController
Customer - Class in ABOS.Derby
Created by patrick on 7/26/16.
Customer(String, String, String, String, String, String, Double, Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Customer(String, String) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Customer(int, String) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Customer - Class in Utilities
Created by patrick on 7/26/16.
Customer(Integer, String, String, String, String, String, String, Double, Double, String, BigDecimal, Boolean, String, String, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class Utilities.Customer
Customer(Integer, String, String, String, String, String, String, Double, Double, String, BigDecimal, Boolean, String, String, BigDecimal, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Customer
Customer(String, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Customer
Customer(int, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Customer
Gets customer information using ID and year from the databse
Customer(int, String, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Customer
Gets customer information using ID, Name and year from the databse
Customer() - Constructor for class Utilities.Customer
Customer.failCallback - Interface in Utilities
CustomerController - Class in ABOS.Derby
CustomerController() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.CustomerController
CustomerController - Class in Controllers
CustomerController() - Constructor for class Controllers.CustomerController
CustomerNotFoundException - Exception in Exceptions
CustomerNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception Exceptions.CustomerNotFoundException
custOrders - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.MapController
custPhone - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.MapController


DbInt - Class in ABOS.Derby
DbInt() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
DbInt - Class in Utilities
DbInt() - Constructor for class Utilities.DbInt
DbLoc - Static variable in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
deleteAllDB() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
deleteCustomer() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
deleteCustomer() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
deleteDb(String) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
deleteDb(String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
deleteFromYear(String) - Method in class Utilities.User
deleteYear() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
deleteYear(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.YearController
deleteYear() - Method in class Utilities.Year
delivered - Variable in class Utilities.Order.orderDetails
doAction(Group) - Method in interface Launchers.AddGroup.callBack
doAction() - Method in interface Utilities.Customer.failCallback
doAction() - Method in interface Utilities.Order.failCallback
doesConfExist() - Static method in class Utilities.Config


editCustomer(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.CustomerController
editCustomer(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.CustomerController
editYear(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.YearController
equals(Object) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
equals(Object) - Method in class Utilities.Group
equals(Object) - Method in class Utilities.User
equals(Object) - Method in class Utilities.Version
Exceptions - package Exceptions
extendedCost - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProduct
extendedCost - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
extendedCost - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProduct
extendedCost - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps


Fonts - Class in Utilities
Created by patrick on 7/27/16.
Fonts() - Constructor for class Utilities.Fonts
format(String) - Static method in class Utilities.Version
formattedProduct(String, String, String, String, String, int, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProduct
formattedProduct - Class in Utilities
formattedProduct(int, String, String, String, BigDecimal, String, int, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class Utilities.formattedProduct
formattedProductProps(String, String, String, String, String, int, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
formattedProductProps - Class in Utilities
formattedProductProps(int, String, String, String, BigDecimal, String, int, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class Utilities.formattedProductProps


Geolocation - Class in Utilities
Created by patrick on 7/26/16.
Geolocation() - Constructor for class Utilities.Geolocation
get() - Method in class Utilities.Settable
getAddr() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getAddr() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getAddress() - Method in class Utilities.cPoint
getAllCustomerNames() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getAllCustomers() - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
getAllCustomers() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getAllProducts() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
getAllProducts() - Method in class Utilities.Year
getCategories() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
getCategories() - Method in class Utilities.Year
getCategoryDate(String, String) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
getCategoryDate(String, String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getCity() - Method in class Utilities.cPoint
getCityState(String) - Static method in class Utilities.Geolocation
Takes a zipcode and returns the city and state of the customer.
getCommis() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Gets the Total Commissions Using getTots Function
getCommis() - Method in class Utilities.Year
Gets the Total Commissions Using getTots Function
getConfigLocation() - Static method in class Utilities.Config
getConnection(String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getConnection() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
Creates a Prepared statemtn from provided Parameters.
GetCoords(String) - Static method in class Utilities.Geolocation
getCurrentUser() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getCustAddressFrmName() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getCustAddressFrmName() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getCustInf(String, String, String) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
Gets the specified Utilities.Customer info
getCustInf(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
Gets the specified Utilities.Customer info
getCustInf(String, int, String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
Gets the specified Utilities.Customer info
getCustInf(String, Integer, String, String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
Gets the specified Utilities.Customer info
getCustomerNames() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
getCustomerNames() - Method in class Utilities.Year
getCustomerNames(String) - Method in class Utilities.Year
getCustomers() - Method in class Utilities.Year
getCustomers(String) - Method in class Utilities.Year
getDatabaseVersion() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getDatabses() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getDbLoc() - Static method in class Utilities.Config
getDelivered() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Return Delivery status of the customer whose name has been specified.
getDelivered() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Return Delivery status of the customer whose name has been specified.
getDialogStage() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.ProgressForm
getDialogStage() - Method in class Utilities.ProgressForm
getDonations() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Gets the Total Donations Using getTots Function
getDonations() - Method in class Utilities.Year
Gets the Total Donations Using getTots Function
getDontation() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Return Donation amount of the customer whose name has been specified.
getDontation() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Return Donation amount of the customer whose name has been specified.
getEmail() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Return Email Address of the customer whose name has been specified.
getEmail() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Return Email Address of the customer whose name has been specified.
getExtendedCost() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
getExtendedCost() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
getFormattedAddress() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getFullName() - Method in class Utilities.User
getGroupCollection(String) - Static method in class Utilities.Group
getGroupId() - Method in class Utilities.User
getGroups(String) - Static method in class Utilities.Group
getGTot() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Gets the Grand Total Using getTots Function
getGTot() - Method in class Utilities.Year
Gets the Grand Total Using getTots Function aeaeaeae
getId() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getId() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getID() - Method in class Utilities.Group
getLat() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getLat() - Method in class Utilities.Coords
getLat() - Method in class Utilities.cPoint
getLat() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getLG() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Gets the Total Lawn ANd Garden quantities Using getTots Function
getLon() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getLon() - Method in class Utilities.Coords
getLon() - Method in class Utilities.cPoint
getLon() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getLP() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Gets the Total Live Plants quantities Using getTots Function
getMajor() - Method in class Utilities.Version
getMenu() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MainController.contextTreeItem
getMenu() - Method in class Controllers.MainController.contextTreeItem
getMenu() - Method in class Controllers.UsersGroupsAndYearsController.contextTreeItem
getMessage() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Gets the value of the property message.
getMessage() - Method in class Utilities.Order
Gets the value of the property message.
getMinor() - Method in class Utilities.Version
getMulch() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Gets the Total Mulch quantities Using getTots Function
getName() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getName() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getName() - Method in class Utilities.Group
getNoCustomers() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Gets the Total Utilities.Customer Using getTots Function
getNoCustomers() - Method in class Utilities.Year
Gets the Total Utilities.Customer Using getTots Function
getNoLawnProductsOrdered() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Loops through Table to get total amount of Lawn Products ordered.
getNoLawnProductsOrdered() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Loops through Table to get total amount of Lawn Products ordered.
getNoLivePlantsOrdered() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Loops through Table to get total amount of Lawn and Garden Products ordered.
getNoLivePlantsOrdered() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Loops through Table to get total amount of Lawn and Garden Products ordered.
getNoMulchOrdered() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Loops through Table to get total amount of Bulk Mulch ordered.
getNoMulchOrdered() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Loops through Table to get total amount of Bulk Mulch ordered.
getOrder(String, Integer) - Static method in class Utilities.Order
getOrderArray() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getOrderedQuantity() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
getOrderedQuantity() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
getOrderedQuantityString() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
getOrderedQuantityString() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
getOrderId() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Return Utilities.Order ID of the customer whose name has been specified.
getOrderId() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Return Utilities.Order ID of the customer whose name has been specified.
getOT() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
Gets the order Total Using getTots Function
getOT() - Method in class Utilities.Year
getPaid() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Returns if the customer has paid.
getPaid() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Returns if the customer has paid.
getPhone() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
Return Phone number of the customer whose name has been specified.
getPhone() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Return Phone number of the customer whose name has been specified.
getPrefix() - Static method in class Utilities.Config
getPrep(String, String) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
Creates a Prepared statemtn from provided Parameters.
getProductCategory() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
getProductCategory() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
getProductID() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
getProductID() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
GetProductInfo(String, String, String) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.Product
getProductKey() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
Gets the value of the property productKey.
getProductName() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
getProductName() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
getProductSize() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
getProductSize() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
getProductUnitPrice() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
getProductUnitPrice() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
getProductUnitPriceString() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
getProgramVersion() - Static method in class Utilities.Config
getProgress() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Gets the value of the property progress.
getProgress() - Method in class Utilities.Order
Gets the value of the property progress.
getProp(String) - Static method in class Utilities.Config
getQuant() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
getQuant() - Method in class Utilities.Year
getRevision() - Method in class Utilities.Version
getSSL() - Static method in class Utilities.Config
getState() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getState() - Method in class Utilities.cPoint
getState() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getStoredProgramVersion(String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getTown() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getTown() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getuManage() - Method in class Utilities.User
getUser() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getUser(String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getUserName() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getUserName() - Method in class Utilities.User
getUsers() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getUsers() - Method in class Utilities.Group
getUsers() - Method in class Utilities.Year
getUserYears() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getWindow() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MainController
getWindow() - Method in class Controllers.MainController
getYear() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
getYear() - Method in class Utilities.Group
getYears() - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
getYears() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getYears() - Method in class Utilities.User
getYearsForUser(String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
getZip() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
getZip() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
greaterThan(String) - Method in class Utilities.Version
greaterThan(Version) - Method in class Utilities.Version
greaterThanOrEqual(String) - Method in class Utilities.Version
greaterThanOrEqual(Version) - Method in class Utilities.Version
Group - Class in Utilities
Group(String, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Group
Group(String, String, int, ArrayList<User>) - Constructor for class Utilities.Group
Group(int, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Group
Group.GroupNotFoundException - Exception in Utilities
GroupNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception Utilities.Group.GroupNotFoundException


hashCode() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
hashCode() - Method in class Utilities.Group
hashCode() - Method in class Utilities.User
hashCode() - Method in class Utilities.Version


ifSet(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class Utilities.Settable
initAddCust(String, String, MainController, Tab) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.AddCustomerController
Used to open dialog with already existing customer information from year as specified in Utilities.Customer Report.
initAddCust(String, MainController, Stage) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.AddCustomerController
initAddCust(String, MainController, Tab) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.AddCustomerController
initAddCust(Customer, MainController, Tab, TreeItem<TreeItemPair<String, Pair<String, Object>>>) - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
Used to open dialog with already existing customer information from year as specified in Utilities.Customer Report.
initAddCust(Customer, MainController, Tab, String, TreeItem<TreeItemPair<String, Pair<String, Object>>>) - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
initAddCust(String, MainController, Stage, TreeItem<TreeItemPair<String, Pair<String, Object>>>) - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
initAddCust(String, MainController, Stage, String, TreeItem<TreeItemPair<String, Pair<String, Object>>>) - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
initAddCust(String, MainController, Tab, TreeItem<TreeItemPair<String, Pair<String, Object>>>) - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
initAddCust(String, MainController, Tab, String, TreeItem<TreeItemPair<String, Pair<String, Object>>>) - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
initAddUser(Window) - Method in class Controllers.AddUserController
initAddUser(String, Window) - Method in class Controllers.AddUserController
Create the dialog.
initAddYear(Window) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.AddYearController
initAddYear(String, Window) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.AddYearController
Create the dialog.
initAddYear(Window) - Method in class Controllers.AddYearController
initAddYear(String, Window) - Method in class Controllers.AddYearController
Create the dialog.
initCustomer(String, String, MainController) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.CustomerController
initCustomer(String, String, MainController) - Method in class Controllers.CustomerController
initCustomer(Customer, MainController) - Method in class Controllers.CustomerController
initialize() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.AddCustomerController
initialize() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MainController
initialize(URL, ResourceBundle) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MapController
initialize() - Method in class ABOS.Derby.YearController
initialize() - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
initialize(Stage, Application.Parameters) - Method in class Controllers.MainController
initialize(URL, ResourceBundle) - Method in class Controllers.MapController
initialize() - Method in class Controllers.YearController
initMap(MainController) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MapController
initMap(MainController) - Method in class Controllers.MapController
initUI(Reports) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.ReportsController
initUI(Settings) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.SettingsController
initUI(Reports) - Method in class Controllers.ReportsController
initUI(Settings) - Method in class Controllers.SettingsController
initUsersGroupsAndYears(Window) - Method in class Controllers.UsersGroupsAndYearsController
Initialize the contents of the frame.
initYear(String, MainController) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.YearController
Initialize the contents of the frame.
initYear(String) - Method in class Controllers.YearController
Initialize the contents of the frame.
initYear(String, String) - Method in class Controllers.YearController
Initialize the contents of the frame.
isAdmin() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
isAdmin() - Method in class Utilities.User
isSet() - Method in class Utilities.Settable


LargeFont - Static variable in class Utilities.Fonts
Launchers - package Launchers
LoadMainWorker - Class in Workers
LoadMainWorker(MainController) - Constructor for class Workers.LoadMainWorker
Creates an instance of the worker
LoadUGYWorker - Class in Workers
LoadUGYWorker(UsersGroupsAndYearsController) - Constructor for class Workers.LoadUGYWorker
Creates an instance of the worker
log(Exception, Severity, String) - Static method in class Utilities.LogToFile
log Method enable to log all exceptions to a file and display user message on demand
LogToFile - Class in Utilities
Utilities.LogToFile class This class is intended to be use with the default logging class of java It save the log in an XML file and display a friendly message to the user
LogToFile() - Constructor for class Utilities.LogToFile


Main - Class in ABOS.Derby
Sample application to demonstrate programming an FXML interface.
Main() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class addFlyWay
main(String[]) - Static method in class Launchers.ConvertDerbyToSQL
Main - Class in Launchers
Sample application to demonstrate programming an FXML interface.
Main() - Constructor for class Launchers.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class Launchers.Main
MainController - Class in ABOS.Derby
MainController() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.MainController
MainController - Class in Controllers
MainController() - Constructor for class Controllers.MainController
MainController.contextTreeItem - Class in ABOS.Derby
MainController.contextTreeItem<K,V> - Class in Controllers
MapController - Class in ABOS.Derby
MapController() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.MapController
MapController - Class in Controllers
MapController() - Constructor for class Controllers.MapController
messageProperty() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
messageProperty() - Method in class Utilities.Order
migrateDatabase(String, String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt


next(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.ReportsController
next(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.ReportsController
Nonnull - Annotation Type in Utilities


openEditCustomer(String, String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.MainController
openEditCustomer(Customer) - Method in class Controllers.MainController
Order - Class in ABOS.Derby
Created by patrick on 7/27/16.
Order() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Order
Order - Class in Utilities
Created by patrick on 7/27/16.
Order(ObservableList<formattedProductProps>, String, Integer, BigDecimal, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Order
Order(ObservableList<formattedProductProps>, String, Integer, BigDecimal, Boolean) - Constructor for class Utilities.Order
Order.failCallback - Interface in Utilities
Order.orderArray - Class in ABOS.Derby
Order.orderArray - Class in Utilities
Order.orderDetails - Class in Utilities
orderArray(Product.formattedProduct[], BigDecimal, int) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Order.orderArray
orderArray(formattedProduct[], BigDecimal, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.Order.orderArray
orderData - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Order.orderArray
orderData - Variable in class Utilities.Order.orderArray
orderDetails(BigDecimal, int, BigDecimal, boolean) - Constructor for class Utilities.Order.orderDetails
orderDetails(BigDecimal, int, BigDecimal, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.Order.orderDetails
orderedQuantity - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProduct
orderedQuantity - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
orderedQuantity - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProduct
orderedQuantity - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
orderedQuantityString - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
orderedQuantityString - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
orderHistoryReportWorker - Class in Workers
Searches the text files under the given directory and counts the number of instances a given word is found in these file.
orderHistoryReportWorker(String) - Constructor for class Workers.orderHistoryReportWorker
Creates an instance of the worker
orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in class Utilities.Settable
orElseGetAndSet(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in class Utilities.Settable


paid - Variable in class Utilities.Order.orderDetails
pCon - Static variable in class ABOS.Derby.DbInt
plainFont - Static variable in class Utilities.Fonts
prefix - Static variable in class Utilities.DbInt
Product - Class in ABOS.Derby
Created by patrick on 7/27/16.
Product(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Product
Product.formattedProduct - Class in ABOS.Derby
Product.formattedProductProps - Class in ABOS.Derby
productCategory - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProduct
productCategory - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
productCategory - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product
productCategory - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProduct
productCategory - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
productID - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProduct
productID - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
productID - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product
productID - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProduct
productID - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
productKey - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProduct
productKey - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
productKeyProperty() - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
productName - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProduct
productName - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
productName - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product
productName - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProduct
productName - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
productSize - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProduct
productSize - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
productSize - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product
productSize - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProduct
productSize - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
productUnitPrice - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProduct
productUnitPrice - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product.formattedProductProps
productUnitPrice - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Product
productUnitPrice - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProduct
productUnitPrice - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
productUnitPriceString - Variable in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
ProgressForm - Class in ABOS.Derby
Created by patrick on 5/27/17.
ProgressForm() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.ProgressForm
ProgressForm - Class in Utilities
Created by patrick on 5/27/17.
ProgressForm() - Constructor for class Utilities.ProgressForm
progressProperty() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
progressProperty() - Method in class Utilities.Order
promptDB(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.SettingsController
promptLogo(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.ReportsController
promptLogo(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.SettingsController
promptLogo(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.ReportsController
promptLogo(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.SettingsController
promptPDF(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.ReportsController
promptPDF(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.SettingsController
promptPDF(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.ReportsController
promptPDF(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.SettingsController


refresh(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.CustomerController
refresh(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.YearController
refresh(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.CustomerController
refresh(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.YearController
refreshData() - Method in class Utilities.Customer
removeGroup() - Method in class Utilities.Group
Reports - Class in Launchers
Created by patrick on 12/24/15.
Reports(Window) - Constructor for class Launchers.Reports
ReportsController - Class in ABOS.Derby
Created by patrick on 12/24/15.
ReportsController() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.ReportsController
ReportsController - Class in Controllers
Created by patrick on 12/24/15.
ReportsController() - Constructor for class Controllers.ReportsController
ReportsWorker - Class in Workers
Searches the text files under the given directory and counts the number of instances a given word is found in these file.
ReportsWorker(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, ArrayList<Customer>, String, String, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class Workers.ReportsWorker
Creates an instance of the worker
returnSqlMessage(SQLException) - Static method in class Utilities.CommonErrors


set(T) - Method in class Utilities.Settable
setAddress(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setAddress(String) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setAdmin(Boolean) - Method in class Utilities.User
setConfigLocation(String) - Static method in class Utilities.Config
setDelivered(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setDelivered(Boolean) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setDonation(BigDecimal) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setDonation(BigDecimal) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setEmail(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setEmail(String) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setExtendedCost(BigDecimal) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setFullName(String) - Method in class Utilities.User
setGroupId(int) - Method in class Utilities.User
setIfNot(T) - Method in class Utilities.Settable
setLat(Double) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setLat(double) - Method in class Utilities.Coords
setLat(Double) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setLon(Double) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setLon(double) - Method in class Utilities.Coords
setLon(Double) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setName(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setName(String) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setOrderedQuantity(int) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setOrderedQuantityString(String) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setOrderId(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setPaid(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setPaid(BigDecimal) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setPhone(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setPhone(String) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setPrefix(String) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
setProductCategory(String) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setProductID(String) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setProductKey(int) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
Sets the value of the property productKey.
setProductName(String) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setProductSize(String) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setProductUnitPrice(BigDecimal) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setProductUnitPriceString(String) - Method in class Utilities.formattedProductProps
setState(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setState(String) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Settable<T> - Class in Utilities
Settable(T, T) - Constructor for class Utilities.Settable
Settable(T) - Constructor for class Utilities.Settable
Settable() - Constructor for class Utilities.Settable
Settings - Class in Launchers
Created by patrick on 12/24/15.
Settings(Window) - Constructor for class Launchers.Settings
Settings() - Constructor for class Launchers.Settings
SettingsController - Class in ABOS.Derby
Created by patrick on 12/24/15.
SettingsController() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.SettingsController
SettingsController - Class in Controllers
Created by patrick on 12/24/15.
SettingsController() - Constructor for class Controllers.SettingsController
setTown(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setTown(String) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setuManage(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class Utilities.User
setUserName(String) - Method in class Utilities.User
setYear(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setYear(String) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
setYears(Set<String>) - Method in class Utilities.User
setZipCode(String) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
setZipCode(String) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
Severity - Enum in ABOS.Derby
Created by jfm on 4/19/16.
Severity - Enum in Utilities
Created by jfm on 4/19/16.
start(Stage) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Main
start(Stage) - Method in class addFlyWay
start(Stage) - Method in class Launchers.ConvertDerbyToSQL
start(Stage) - Method in class Launchers.Main
stringContainsItemFromList(String, String[]) - Static method in class Controllers.AddUserController
submit(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.AddCustomerController
submit(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.ReportsController
submit(ActionEvent) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.SettingsController
submit(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.AddCustomerController
submit(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.ReportsController
submit(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.SettingsController


testConnection() - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
toString() - Method in class Utilities.Group
toString() - Method in class Utilities.Settable
toString() - Method in class Utilities.TreeItemPair
toString() - Method in class Utilities.User
toString() - Method in class Utilities.Version
totalCost - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Order.orderArray
totalCost - Variable in class Utilities.Order.orderArray
totalCost - Variable in class Utilities.Order.orderDetails
totalQuantity - Variable in class ABOS.Derby.Order.orderArray
totalQuantity - Variable in class Utilities.Order.orderArray
totalQuantity - Variable in class Utilities.Order.orderDetails
TreeItemPair<K,V> - Class in Utilities
TreeItemPair(K, V) - Constructor for class Utilities.TreeItemPair
TreeItemPair(K) - Constructor for class Utilities.TreeItemPair


updateDb(String, ObservableList<Product.formattedProductProps>, Collection<Year.category>) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
updateDb(String, ObservableList<formattedProductProps>, Collection<Year.category>) - Method in class Utilities.Year
updateOrder(ObservableList<Product.formattedProductProps>, String, String, String, Order.updateProgCallback, Order.failCallback, Order.updateMessageCallback, Order.getProgCallback) - Static method in class ABOS.Derby.Order
updateOrder(Order.failCallback) - Method in class Utilities.Order
updateTots(BigDecimal, Integer, Integer, Integer, BigDecimal, Integer, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Year
updateUser(String, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class Utilities.User
updateValues(Customer.updateProgCallback, Customer.failCallback, Customer.updateMessageCallback, Customer.getProgCallback) - Method in class ABOS.Derby.Customer
updateValues(Customer.failCallback) - Method in class Utilities.Customer
updateYear(String) - Method in class Utilities.User
User - Class in Utilities
User(String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String, String, ArrayList<String>, Set<String>, Boolean, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String, String, ArrayList<String>, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String, String, ArrayList<String>, Set<String>, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String, String, String, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.User
User.STATUS - Enum in Utilities
UsersGroupsAndYears - Class in Launchers
UsersGroupsAndYears(Window) - Constructor for class Launchers.UsersGroupsAndYears
UsersGroupsAndYearsController - Class in Controllers
UsersGroupsAndYearsController() - Constructor for class Controllers.UsersGroupsAndYearsController
UsersGroupsAndYearsController.contextTreeItem<K,V> - Class in Controllers
Utilities - package Utilities


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ABOS.Derby.Severity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Utilities.Severity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Utilities.User.STATUS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ABOS.Derby.Severity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Utilities.Severity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Utilities.User.STATUS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyConnection(ActionEvent) - Method in class Controllers.SettingsController
verifyLogin(Pair<String, String>) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
verifyLoginAndUser(Pair<String, String>) - Static method in class Utilities.DbInt
Version - Class in Utilities
Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Utilities.Version
Version(String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Version
VersionException - Exception in Exceptions
VersionException() - Constructor for exception Exceptions.VersionException


Workers - package Workers


year - Static variable in class ABOS.Derby.CustomerController
Year - Class in ABOS.Derby
Created by patrick on 7/27/16.
Year(String) - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.Year
year - Static variable in class ABOS.Derby.YearController
year - Static variable in class Controllers.CustomerController
year - Static variable in class Controllers.YearController
Year - Class in Utilities
Created by patrick on 7/27/16.
Year(String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Year
Year(String, String) - Constructor for class Utilities.Year
Year.category - Class in ABOS.Derby
Year.category - Class in Utilities
YearController - Class in ABOS.Derby
YearController() - Constructor for class ABOS.Derby.YearController
YearController - Class in Controllers
YearController() - Constructor for class Controllers.YearController
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